Working Hard… or Hardly Working?

6 websites, 3 cars, 2 laptops, our financial books, and a partridge in a pear tree. Things have been falling apart all around us, but we’re still standing. At one point last week Davin was working on all three of our Pamoja vehicles at the same time. The oil pressure on the Nissan Safari had fallen to zero and refused to get back up (fortunately the engine did NOT seize). The Patrol, meanwhile, had it’s left front wheel off as we fixed some of the bearings that had become oval shaped rather than circular. Then the Sunny, our little car, had a minor incident – the oil filter exploded while Davin and Courtney were on their way home at midnight one night. However, there seems to be no permanent damage, so that’s great. At about the same time, Jacob Mills’ laptop dropped dead as he was trying to finalize the paperwork for Pamoja USA, and mom’s laptop nearly died (we replaced the hard drive in it, but the battery charger is broken so when the power flickers even, her laptop dies). And then our web host went and dropped all our websites down the drain on Monday night. There are a surprising number of them! We’ve recovered,, (Mom and Dad’s personal site), and (Nadine’s personal site). As you can see here, we’re still working on icewife, and we’ve still got a few miles to go before we get back online to allow people to buy the En-kata photo book. So we’re working hard, but not yet all up and running. You might pray that nothing else breaks on us. I definitely don’t want to speculate on what’s next.

Through it all, though, we’re healthy, keeping our peace, and now that we’ve had our Quickbooks file restored (which we were not at all sure of for the entire month of April) we’re pretty sure there’s been nothing significant lost in all of this, except time. When I put it that way, it’s pretty clear that God’s still taking care of us through the messiness of life.

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